Contemporary Literary Review India
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CLRI August 2013 Released!
Dear writers,
CLRI August 2013 brings to you a fine collection of POEMS
by Ameen Fayaz, Carl Scharwath, Chris Roe, Dibyendu Ghosal, Hema Ravi, Jim Casy, Kanchan Chatterjee, Pratap Dash, Seema Gupta, Shelby Stephenson, Tatjana Debeljacki, Walter Safar; INTERVIEW of Maitreyee B Chowdhury by Mithun Dey; STORIES by Bala Saranyan, Barnali Saha, Chandrashekhar Sastry, Kersie Khambatta, Merlin Flower, Ronny Noor; CRITICISM by A. Temjenwala Ao & Dr Ndr Chandra, Arun Bera, Dr Babitha Justin & Dr. Smrti K. P; BOOK REVIEW by Glen Jennings; and BOOK RELEASES. | |||
Download CLRI August 2013 issue!
петак, 30. август 2013.
CLRI August 2013.
петак, 23. август 2013.
четвртак, 22. август 2013.
Franjo Frančič
Avgust, 2013.
11:10 11:10
Kako, da se nisva razumela v
tisoč in eni bolečini,
Povej mu, da ga bom čakala na
Brankovem mostu v trideseti.
Naj bo petek pred večerom,
naj prinese čustva.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
tisoč in eni bolečini,
Povej mu, da ga bom čakala na
Brankovem mostu v trideseti.
Naj bo petek pred večerom,
naj prinese čustva.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
11:08 11:08
Ljudje umirajo samo
v mraku in ob zori,
večni grobovi ne obstajajo.
Dišim po baziliki
prijetno in božje
in ljubim do svobode.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
v mraku in ob zori,
večni grobovi ne obstajajo.
Dišim po baziliki
prijetno in božje
in ljubim do svobode.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
11:07 11:07
Hiša iz stekla.
V njej zadnja predstava,
zadnje nizanje vlog,
ki nimajo cene,
ljubimci, ko se razidete,
poletite, poletite.
Dolgo, dolgo ponotranjenje svojega molka.
V mračni noči. Neka zvezda je vsaj malo tvoja.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
V njej zadnja predstava,
zadnje nizanje vlog,
ki nimajo cene,
ljubimci, ko se razidete,
poletite, poletite.
Dolgo, dolgo ponotranjenje svojega molka.
V mračni noči. Neka zvezda je vsaj malo tvoja.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
Pozabi, kar sem ti rekla.
Tudi tokrat preprosta stvar.
Ostra beseda ima prosti padec,
z velikimi koraki, težkimi spomini,
neskončnimi strehami.
Borila sva se proti nevihtam,
iskala svoj prav.
Neuspel poskus ljubezni,
ne pojdi z lokalnimi barvami.
Pozabi, kar sem ti rekla,
Neuresničena ljubezen …
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
Tudi tokrat preprosta stvar.
Ostra beseda ima prosti padec,
z velikimi koraki, težkimi spomini,
neskončnimi strehami.
Borila sva se proti nevihtam,
iskala svoj prav.
Neuspel poskus ljubezni,
ne pojdi z lokalnimi barvami.
Pozabi, kar sem ti rekla,
Neuresničena ljubezen …
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
11:03 11:03
Predaj se željam, daj, začni.
Naj se prične najlepša pesem,
naj ti bo čisto blizu.
Ukradi sanje z vzglavnika.
Bodi tu, prebudi domišljijo.
Nocoj se zaljubi v romantiko.
Ostani z mano, osvoji me!
Nesi me! Sleci me!
Naj se ti naselim v žile.
Sleci me nocoj, vzemi me do roba utrujenosti.
Zidove lastnega srca lahko zrušiš
in eno ime vanj zarežeš.
Nekega lastnika sprejmeš in za
vedno zakleneš. Zastrupljene krvi
ne moreš zamenjati, samo ta nekdo ostane.
In potem, ko vse to zavrti, ni več
Ko se zavrti, nastaja puščava!
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
Naj se prične najlepša pesem,
naj ti bo čisto blizu.
Ukradi sanje z vzglavnika.
Bodi tu, prebudi domišljijo.
Nocoj se zaljubi v romantiko.
Ostani z mano, osvoji me!
Nesi me! Sleci me!
Naj se ti naselim v žile.
Sleci me nocoj, vzemi me do roba utrujenosti.
Zidove lastnega srca lahko zrušiš
in eno ime vanj zarežeš.
Nekega lastnika sprejmeš in za
vedno zakleneš. Zastrupljene krvi
ne moreš zamenjati, samo ta nekdo ostane.
In potem, ko vse to zavrti, ni več
Ko se zavrti, nastaja puščava!
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
11:02 11:02
Napak se ne spominjamo več,
naša hiša se začenja podirati,
dodaj še eno iskro.
Čakaš na čast za ves trud in ogenj?
Sva sploh kaj čutila.
A rodila sva se …
Najhujše je notranje umiranje,
počasno odmiranje …
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
naša hiša se začenja podirati,
dodaj še eno iskro.
Čakaš na čast za ves trud in ogenj?
Sva sploh kaj čutila.
A rodila sva se …
Najhujše je notranje umiranje,
počasno odmiranje …
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
11:00 11:00
Če si na drugi strani poti, če sem
drevo v tem dvorišču,
naj te s sadjem sladkam,
naj me pogled tvoj zaobjame,
poglej me še z več žara,
najlepše sadje ti bom rodila.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
drevo v tem dvorišču,
naj te s sadjem sladkam,
naj me pogled tvoj zaobjame,
poglej me še z več žara,
najlepše sadje ti bom rodila.
(prevod Franjo Frančič)
среда, 21. август 2013.
недеља, 18. август 2013.
Constanta International Haiku Festival 7-11 August 2013, Romania
of Contents
Cuvânt înainte/Avant-propos /Foreword………....9
Jean ANTONINI………………………………...31
Maria ADAM………………................................34
Ferenc BAKOS………………….........................37
COHN BOTEA…………………………….42
Carmen BULZAN…………………………….…45
Şerban CODRIN………………………………...46
Marius CHELARU……………………...............49
Magdalena DALE.................................................53
Tatjana DEBELJACKI..........................................59
Olga DUŢU...........................................................67
Anica FACINA.....................................................74.
Alhama GARCIA..................................................81
Coca Elena
Sánta HAJNALKA................................................91
Letitzia Lucia
Utta Siegrid
Pearl Elizabeth DELL
Alexandra Flora MUNTEANU...........................119
Victoria Fătu
Dan Viorel NOREA............................................128
Dumitru RADU...................................................139
Dumitru ROŞU....................................................147
Gianina Aurelia
Date biografice/Donnéees biographiques/
Biographical data...............................................171-226
субота, 17. август 2013.
The Medulla Review
The Medulla Review
Main Navigation
August - 2013
(Click author's name to
read/view work.)
JOHN GREY - Master word wielder: this poem will leave you breathless.
CHUCK TAYLOR - Sublimely Real Photography!
TATJANA DEBELJACKI - Assertive poem that strikes a very powerful chord!
SUSIE SWEETLAND GARAY - I remember these images, somehow....
ALLY MALINENKO - Unusually profound story with epic content & gripping prose.
“I have no Purity, sir.” Her voice was froggy from lack of water and use...
WILLIAM DORESKI - Luridly fluid verse, just the way we want it...
JOHN GREY - Master word wielder: this poem will leave you breathless.
CHUCK TAYLOR - Sublimely Real Photography!
TATJANA DEBELJACKI - Assertive poem that strikes a very powerful chord!
SUSIE SWEETLAND GARAY - I remember these images, somehow....
ALLY MALINENKO - Unusually profound story with epic content & gripping prose.
“I have no Purity, sir.” Her voice was froggy from lack of water and use...
WILLIAM DORESKI - Luridly fluid verse, just the way we want it...
среда, 14. август 2013.
понедељак, 5. август 2013.
cattails where the red-winged blackbirds used to perch John Soules, CAN ~~~ first hot day blinded by the flash of white flesh Rachel Sutcliffe, UK ~~~ black swans preening each other we come clean Rodney Williams, AUS ~~~ blackberry jam the sweet taste of summer dust Angela Terry, USA ~~~ clover meadows– bowing into their shadows young ewes Maire Morrissey-Cummins, Ireland ~~~ the old path lost in a gloomy woods . . . distant bells u mračnoj šumi izgubljena stara staza . . . daleka zvona Sasa Vazic', Serbia ~~~ white wind scouring the breakwater a seagull’s cry Lorin Ford, AUS ~~~ migrating butterflies— her hand on mine heightens the baby's movements Chad Lee Robinson, USA ~~~ a profusion of stars after-rain lilacs buhos ng mga bituin ang mga lila na naulanan Alegria Imperial, CAN ~~~ echoing sky . . . a woodpecker sounds the pine Mark E. Brager, USA ~~~ summer rains the climate changes between us Aron Rothstein, USA ~~~ lake's edge a swan soaks dry bread with its beak rub jezera labud namače suhi kruh kljunom Zlata Bogovic', Croatia ~~~ ocean sounds I pass a conch from my ear to hers பெருங்கடல்ஒலிகள் என்காதிலிருந்து அவளுக்கு ஊதுசங்கை மாற்றினேன் Ramesh Anand, India ~~~ heat wave over but lingering moments drip by drip Raffael de Gruttola, USA ~~~ snow fence it can't hold back the spring Mike Rehling, USA ~~~ cicadas in the sky a new shade of blue Vessislava Savova, Bulgaria ~~~ early morning light along the river byways beaver at work Ayaz Daryl Nielsen, USA ~~~ a summer evening walking arm in arm with the warmth noćnu tišinu pustom ulicom valja stari pijanica Hristina Pandjaridis, Bulgaria ~~~ tethered this boat and I . . . autumn dusk Carol Judkins, USA ~~~ an old drunkard night stillness rolling over the street Malvina Mileta, Croatia ~~~ bullfinch the squeaking hinge of a child’s swing Cynthia Rowe, AUS ~~~ countryside wherever I go cobs of maize na selu gdje god pošla polja kukuruza Marija Pogorilić, Croatia ~~~ scattered grains after the harvest feasting birds prosuto zrnje nakon žetve na njivi gozba pticama Ljubica Kolaric'Dumic', Croatia ~~~ in the garden a cardinal whistles changing light Louisa Howerow, CAN ~~~ crab holes gasp under my footprints . . . receding wave Kala Ramesh, India ~~~ the glitter of tall buildings winter moon Bill Kenney, USA ~~~ Slug trail on the porch . . . Now, I understand my life David H. Rosen, USA ( ~~~ salt water taffy on the promenade a bitter wind Johnny Baranski, USA ~~~ wind sweeps the tall grasses . . . morning jazz Mark Smith, USA ~~~ severe frost robin song thaws the graveyard André Surridge, NZ ~~~ the stillness waiting in a puddle April clouds Barbara Snow, USA ~~~ evening sky a pale moon behind listless trees R K Singh, India ~~~ sudden storm losing power in the argument Ben Moeller-Gaa, USA ~~~ daybreak . . . portulaca blossoms still closed зазоряване... цветовете на калдаръмчето все още затворени Diana Teneva, Bulgaria ~~~ rooted tree— he is in deep thought autumn leaves Pravat Kumar Padhy, India ~~~ the surprise of a reclining crescent early darkness Peggy Heinrich, USA ~~~ mud wasps in the mailbox postage due Tricia Knoll, USA ~~~ day by day our friendship grows— gardening talk Anne Curran, NZ ~~~ threatening sky the distant hills in deep shadow Adelaide B. Shaw, USA ~~~ frozen web only the spider knows the weight of a moth Aine MacAodha, UK ~~~ the sun slowly drawing blades of grass my bare feet sunce strpljivo bronzom crta vlati trave bronze bosa stopalaTatjana Debeljacki, Serbia ~~~ no corner without at least a speck of sunlight memorial garden Patricia Kelly (Roswila), USA ~~~ sunrise— tracks from the night in dewy grass Rose Soldo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ~~~ empty fountain the smell of thunder and heavy rain Mihajlo Mika Pavlovic', Serbia ~~~ hiking alone a new path opens up Claudette Russell, USA ~~~ in the night an odd warble turns summer to fall Tricia Knoll, USA ~~~ Matsushima . . . holding this moonlit night under the pines Chen-ou Liu, CAN ~~~ staccato of rain the silence between them is deafening Victor P. Gendrano, Phillipines ~~~ still pond the frog's half-closed eyes atop a lotus John J. Han, USA ~~~ thoughts of home . . . I rake last year's leaves for compost Chen-ou Liu, CAN ~~~ holiday traffic even the rain at a standstill Rachel Sutcliffe, UK ~~~ owl at dusk— on the shroud of snow a hut's shade hibou au crépuscule— sur le linceul de neige l'ombre d'une cabane Minh-Triêt PHAM, France ~~~ thin sun my husband and I share a teabag Michele L. Harvey, USA ~~~ an old dog barks at the foreclosed house winter solstice Chen-ou Liu, CAN ~~~ boats rock between the stars– harbour night Maire Morrissey-Cummins, Ireland ~~~ storm forecast even the crickets refuse to sing Victor P. Gendrano, Phillipines ~~~ end of Ghost Month the moon and I make our way through the night Chen-ou Liu, CAN ~~~ how a poet bends the summer wind . . . day lilies Alegria Imperial, CAN ~~~ summer stream my feet dipping into tao John J. Han, USA ~~~ summer thunder the temperature drops on our conversation Tricia Knoll, USA ~~~ night star the inevitability of dawn Anne Curran, NZ ~~~ a couple crows on the suspension bridge nearly sunset Mihajlo Mika Pavlovic', Serbia ~~~ Florida sun dancing before harvest a corn snake’s tongue Robert Piotrowski, CAN ~~~ a pale moon mirrored in the lake a trembling doe Rose Solodo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ~~~ |
dandelion fields at the edge of hot sand the moon is a beacon Tatjana Debeljacki, Serbia ~~~ first sunlight then shadow a swinging loveseat Patricia Kelly (Roswila), USA ~~~ my silence full of cicadas in my hut Ernesto P Santiago, Phillipines ~~~ it stopped in her blue irises fast-flying bird zaustavlja se u modrim zjenicama brzi let ptice Željko Špoljar, Croatia ~~~ returning home under the gills of a big fish a willow stick povratak s Česme pod škrgama velike ribe vrbov kolacDjurdja Vuklic' Rozic', Croatia ~~~ river walk– the scent of lilacs and fresh tar Adelaide B. Shaw, USA ~~~ a long way . . . the flapping of magpie wings fills the dark dug put . . . lepršanje svračjih krila ispunjava mrak Sasa Vazic', Serbia ~~~ field clover bending to the weight of a bumblebee Ben Moeller-Gaa, USA ~~~ summer night connecting the dots John Soules, CAN ( ~~~ scattered grains after the harvest feasting birds prosuto zrnje nakon žetve na njivi gozba pticama Ljubica Kolaric' Dumic', Croatia ~~~ plum petals sailing eastward on the Sava . . . latice šljive plove Savom - ka istoku putuju . . . Ljubomir Radovancevic', Croatia ~~~ tumbleweeds the wooden cross without a name William Scott Galasso, USA ~~~ May Day the jingling shins of Morris dancers André Surridge, NZ ~~~ surveyor's flags an inchworm measures the clothes line Barbara Snow, USA ~~~ through shade trees a narrow beam of quiet S. M. Abeles, USA ~~~ what to say what not to say autumn rain Mark Smith, USA ~~~ deep night the canyon walls echo my solitude Johnny Baranski, USA ~~~ morning prayer a branch at my window beaded with rain Bill Kenney, USA ~~~ Indian summer sweaters returned to the drawer Patricia Prime, NZ ~~~ scent of lilacs in the stillness my mother's voice Louisa Howerow, CAN ~~~ the scent of a watered garden . . . twittering sparrows Dawn Bruce, AUS ~~~ where forest meets water the night of fireflies Kala Ramesh, India ~~~ thirty fifth autumn . . . a railway bridge peeps out of the fog Trideset peta . . . jesen. Zheleznichki most viri iz magle Damir Damir, Montenegro ~~~ swing bridge a wishbone charm on the hiker’s wrist Cynthia Rowe, AUS ~~~ pulsating heat my heart is pulsating too from the lizard's threat Pulsira pulsira jara pulsira moje srce i guša guštera Rajna Beogovic' (1939-2011), Serbia ~~~ the kite— carrying the last sunrays in its wings Aju Mukhopadhyay, India ~~~ a summer day the old dog licking its own shadow Hristina Pandjaridis, Bulgaria ~~~ monsoon dusk the flood carrying my shattered dreams பருவமழைக்கால அந்திப்பொழுது எனது நொறுங்கிய கனவுகளை எடுத்துச்செல்லும் வெள்ளம் Ramesh Anand, India ~~~ new leaves the urge to ride no-handed Michele L. Harvey, USA ~~~ centered in his ripples bufflehead drake Aron Rothstein, USA (Editor's Choice) ~~~ Mother's Day a pillowcase billows with fiddleheads Alan Bridges, USA ~~~ sere grasses— summer threads unraveling Debbie Strange, CAN ~~~ battle in the sky it will be a free fall a gull and crow bitka na nebu slobodni bit će pad galeb i vrana Dinko Sule, Croatia ~~~ walking mown paths through hip-high buttercups . . . dull skies forgotten Kirsty Karkow, USA ~~~ this house . . . the restlessness of shadows ova kuća . . . nemir uzdrhtalih senki Sasa Vazic', Serbia ~~~ curtain sway a paper wasp explores the open door Kirsten Cliff, NZ ~~~ after the Gospel the flutter of a trapped sparrow Mark E. Brager, USA ~~~ ice storm a rainbow coats the power line Angela Terry, USA ~~~ a four-leaf clover in the widower's garden roses bloom with weeds Victor P. Gendrano, Phillipines ~~~ billowing clouds— the clothesline strung with summer Sondra J. Byrnes, USA ~~~ sea glass– I thread the colours of a winter sky Lorin Ford, USA ~~~ bright edge of the moon coming out of an eclipse Marje Dyck, CAN ~~~ the calf roper's lasso spinning overhead summer clouds Chad Lee Robinson, USA ( ~~~ the scent of lilacs what will she smile about at fifty? Thomas Chockley, USA ~~~ sudden shower scarlet maple leaves more scarlet Elaine Riddell, NZ ~~~ loosestrife how easily loneliness can spread Dawn Apanius, USA ~~~ night rain spreads over the moss and a snail noćna kiša polegla na mahovinu i puža Zlata Bogovic', Croatia ~~~ a grain of sand stays in my suitcase the memento зрно пијеска чувам на дну кофера за успомену Branka Vojinovic'-Jegdic', Montenegro ~~~ rumble… cosseted moonbeams burst on her night danarudor. . . nabuak dagiti nakalemmeng a raniag ti bulan iti sipngetna Alegria Imperial, CAN ~~~ swifts chase the last embers of the day ah the years pass Andy Pomphrey, UK ~~~ lighting a match you instantly hide the moonlight Liz Moura, USA ~~~ mountain sitting— near a river to ponder over the future Deepak Chaswal, India ~~~ choppy Irish Sea failing to dislodge this red starfish Maeve O'Sullivan, Ireland ~~~ fragment of shell the bubble of firelight in the fog . . . James Chessing, USA ~~~ from hot asphalt this blister on my foot — a beer poster Vruć asvalt I plik na mom tabanu— reklama piva Tatjana Stefanovic', Serbia ~~~ hand in hand we walk back home . . . the Milky Way Rodney Williams, AUS ~~~ beach party empty beer bottles sing with a salt breeze Rachel Sutcliffe, UK ~~~ falling leaves my quilting scraps lie in a new pattern Frances Jones, USA ( ~~~ a dying sunflower on the window's edge— summer twilight meurt un tournesol sur le bord de la fenêtre— crépuscule d'automne Minh-Triêt PHAM, France ~~~ a kestrel fast as an errant dart my revery broken Neal Whitman, USA ~~~ |
(Some of the Croatian haiku were
translated by Djurdja Vukelic' Rozic'; Some of the Serbian haiku were translated
by Sasa Vazic', and others were translated by individual authors.) Slug trail on the porch . . . Now, I understand my life David H. Rosen, USA David's haiku is an equilibrium which contains feelings of uncertainty and hints of self-mockery, seemingly a somewhat despondent and detached description of his own life, as well as the unfathomable beauty he perceived in the slug’s silver trail, as a metaphor for one’s own legacy. A crafty comparison of a natural phenomenon to both the plight and the blessings of mankind . . . what scholarly scope! I realize that poetry is a "living art form" and will always be evolving forward or reverting back full circle.Therefore the gift to be simple and stick to it when everyone around you is experimenting by pushing the boundaries, and trying to come off as a complex intellectual, is a difficult path. David is a complex intellectual which is why I believe he has already mastered simple. His moment reflects only the pureness and simplicity of nature as it is, and states this clearly through mention of something as mundane as a slug, then he adds the surprise juxtaposition. My Editor's Choices are never based on the number of lines, since format to me has nothing to do with content, nor do I think a kigo is mandatory, although I do believe that at least some "feeling" of the natural world is a must, as well as a setting, subject, verb, and an aha, no matter in what order they appear. Unfortunately, there are others out there today who are publishing "short poems" of any type or kind under the guise of haiku. While this may be fine for mainstream poetry, imo, it's a whole different story when it comes to Japanese and eastern aesthetics. David’s haiku is an exceptional example of "yugen". spinning overhead summer clouds Chad Lee Robinson, USA For this EC, what great visuals! Haiku poet Chad Lee Robinson gives us a "lasso" in his opening line, we can see it "spinning overhead" in line 2, but wait! in line 3 we are allowed to see "summer clouds" through that lasso. Keeping the haiku cohesive throughout is an important point to its success. This haiku is more than words, it is a picture. However it isn't just a pretty picture, it has a very definite wide setting, an interesting subject, an action verb, and surprise follow through. Nature is involved as well as the human element. It has everything a haiku should have no matter if it was written years ago or just yesterday. summer night connecting the dots John Soules, CAN As I said, line formatting means nothing if everything is there, as-in this one-line haiku by John Soule from Canada. What do you see as the setting, subject, verb, and aha? I can imagine a whole sky (wide setting) full of stars (subject) connected (verb) "dot by dot" (aha), similar to a game some of us played as children. The fact that John left out any mention of stars is as skillful as it gets in this zen-style (but not incomplete) haiku moment. A very well done haiku! my quilting scraps lie in a new pattern Frances Jones, USA Another fine EC by Frances Jones from Oregon. What a superb example of absolute juxtaposition, a feeling of the natural world plus human interface, who could ask for anything more? Frances mentions no colors, and yet you see them vividly in her new quilt pattern. centered in his ripples bufflehead drake Aron Rothstein, USA A nice one-liner written by Aron Rothstein. Normally I would recommend to an author that he use "its" instead of "his" or "hers", however with the last word being "drake", Aron reinforces the use of "his". The word "ripples" is the setting, "centered" is the verb", "bufflehead drake" is the subject, and the zoom effect is notable. The "aha" in this haiku would be the wonderful symmetry that the visuals create. –an'ya, kernelsonline editor |
~~~ ~~~
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